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Lenovo Project 5/23/2007

Lenovo Project – 5/23/2007

ready conference call in #:
(866) 374-4615 conf.#3654102369 pin 0323
or lenovoglobal.webex.com
[email protected]

changepoint time entry
timesheet to ramana
weekly summary to ramana, amelia
(invoice to ramana bi-weekly)

key items:
– scope of initial implementation includes all content currently content-managed for canada
– zones expected to be delivered: 1-A, 2-A then 2-B, 3 then time permitting: 1-B, 1-C, 2-C, 4, 5, 6
– gallery images- 360
– 12 items per product should be max user is able to upload max upload
– approx 104 elements in all dcts

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


i2 integration Open Items:
url abstraction strategy
content expiration- is this in scope?
metadata via extended attributes not in scope?
content expiration workflow and opendeploy? is this in scope? It is not currently in Ramana’s CMS Action items list Did Adam get the requirements of this process from Lenovo or was this his best guess based on best practices?
expiration script
i2 scripts to be provided for content deletion process


** search: if new branch created will need to add search branches.xml or use CLT to add branch

— PTs: add include for each for CSS includes on preview and not on generate



iwov search:
index manager – controls content indexing
search manager – performs queries on indices and retuerns the result to the user

both use agents
index mger also uses a document cracker that read s a doc or data file and provides metadata info
cmd line tools issue commands to either

a branch can be indexed in 2 ways:
iwsearch-home\etc\branches.cfg- specify branch name here then start indexer
iwndxaddbr CLT – use this to specify branch name

index mgr also has a listenener to listen for submit events on a previously indexed branch
uses submits a set of files and index listener recognizes the submissions and performs indexing
when indexer is shut down, index info is stored in a file

user issues a search query
query is sent to search server
search server sends results to user screen sorted by relelvancy as determined by search config
can also issue a search by clt. query is xml format
can use content services api to sarch across multiple branches

iwndxpurgebr – when a branch needs to be deleted must issue index server CLT so that index collection for that branch is updated
iwndxrmbr – can also use to remover branch from indexer

configure search and index server:
iwsearch-home\etc\search.properties – sets Generic configuration, agent config, index mgr config, index agent config, search mgr config, query agent config., logging config.

iwsearch-home\etc\search.private.properties – don’t touch

install location:
D:\Interwoven\Search on iterwoven-dev.lenovo.com
?? on teamsite.lenovo.com

interwoven-dev config:

# Generic configuration items (common for index and search server)

# TeamSite host

# Locale of index/search server. The values should be one of English_UnitedStates,
# French_France, Korean_Korea, Japanese_Japan, SimplifiedChinese_China,
# TraditionalChinese_Taiwan and German_Germany. Else, it will default
# to English_UnitedStates.

# Generic agent configuration items

# The maximum time (ms) to wait for agent response

# The maximum time (ms) to wait for agent initialization

# If agent restarts more than iw.agent.restart.limit times during an
# iw.agent.restart.interval (ms), it is taken offline.


# If iw.agent.logs.toserverlogs is true, the agents logs are logged to the
# log file of the server that started them.

# The iw.agent.logs.toserverlogs determines whether agents logs are logged
# to the log file of the server that started them. This property determines
# whether agents logs should go to their separate log files.
# The agent log files are in agentlogs subdir of the log directory and are
# named agent_<agent_pid>.log.


# Index server configuration

# Server configuration

# TeamSite JMS producer side details

# How old (in hours) the index needs to be (relative to current edition)
# for it to be considered partial

# Max number of files for BIF

# TeamSite session pooling

# Binary extensions. The content in these files will not be indexed, although metadata will be.

# Maximum size of the file (in mega-bytes) to be indexed.

# Event-based updates are enabled

# Number of times Index server attempts to listen to
# TeamSite event system before giving up
# Number of seconds Index server waits between attempts to listen to
# TeamSite event system

# Number of times Index server attempts to connect to
# TeamSite server before giving up
# Number of seconds Index server waits between attempts to connect to
# TeamSite server

# Optimal wait time before received events are processed (in minutes)

# Indexing workarea modifications
# Control whether indexing of and searching across modifications in workareas
# of indexed branches is turned on or not.
# Control whether indexing the modifications of ALL the workareas of a branch
# at the time the branch is first indexed should be turned on or off (permissible
# values are none and all).
# Control how often (in minutes) an attempt is made to index the modified files in the
# relevant workareas of all the relevant indexed branches.
# Control after how much time (in hours) the collections of workarea modifications for a
# branch are considered too old and hence deleted and then re-indexed. Checked during
# index server startup only.

# Index agent configuration

# Port number on which index server listens for connections from its agents

# Port number on which index server listens for callbacks from its agents

# Collections directory for index agents

# Search server configuration



# change this if the index server is on a different host than the
# search server

#Cache configuration

#Raw cache

#Processed cache

# TeamSite session pooling. Note that the optimal behavior is to have
# the same max number of connections as there are agents.

# Search Agent configuration

# Port number on which search server listens for connections from its agents

# Port number on which search server listens for callbacks from its agents

# Collections directory for search agents

# Logging configuration

log4j.logger.com.interwoven=INFO, mainLogger




matt w publishing scenario
db standalone and das enable on lencms
oder laptop
scott warren 804-967-9889


Knowledge Base Article: 56667
Type: Tech Note

When multiple filelist deployments pointing to the same target directory were run against a OpenDeploy receiving server, it crashed because multiple deployment legs are accessing the same target folder at the same time.

This problem can be prevented by making use of concurrency management feature of the receiving node (OpenDeploy Receiver or OpenDeploy Base that is receiving deployment).
Concurrency management is enabled in the pathRegistryChecking attribute in the listenerProperties element of your receiving server configuration file (odbase.xml or odrcvr.xml, depending on the receiving node type).

<listenerProperties … pathRegistryChecking=”yes” />

The default value is no.

Once this is set to “yes”, the receiver node will prevent conflicts by allowing only one deployment leg to have access to a particular target directory path sequence at any given time. This path sequence includes both parent and child paths of the target path. Other deployment legs attempting to deploy to that directory are blocked.

Note that as stated in Bug 66433, if the concurrency management is turned on for an OD server, the reverse deployment will fail on that OD server (reverse target).




od: The error appears to come from an authentication check. Is your deployment being initiated from a workflow? If so, it may be that the user owning the workflow may not have authorization to run the deployment. Setting Deploy.cltProxyAuthCheck to no will disable the authentication check when iwodcmd is used.

The iwodauthorize command-line tool…

-k srcarea=/default/main/www/STAGING
-k srcarea=/default/main/www/EDITION (will get the last edition by default)
-k repFarm=WEB_SERVERS
-k repFarm=APP_SERVERS





LENI2\johndean he made changes to lenovo firewall for lencms port 20014 open

LENI2: external IP

set up odrcvr.xml with base address under allowed paths

problem: ***ERROR – Rcvr read deployment attributes got null, exiting
ssl related to receiver path?




metadata config:
local/config/datacapture.cfg – item names, rule sets
local/config/metadata-rules.cfg – map vpaths
iwmetadata.cgi – produces gui from above
tagger gui
Metadata capture subsystem – processes data from gui, stores in ts content store as ts ext attr



final branching architecture

1. Create main branch, Public, owned by Lenovo\Interwoven
2. Create a one Workarea, shared. Owned by debbyd (ultimately should be Lenovo\Interwoven).
select Group sharing, sharing group LenovoBranchUsers
users and roles inherited from parent
access resrictions off temporarily





interwoven-dev opendeploy ssl config:

– using self signed cert generated by openssl
– must gen 1 cert/key pair for every OD server
– cannot have two cert with same info. every cert must be unique
– OpenSSL uses a pseudo random number generator (PRNG) to generate public and
private key pairs. The PRNG needs to be seeded with a satisfactory amount of
genuine random data so it does not generate predictable keys.
– You can use of a third-party certificate authority (CA) for SSL encryption as an
alternative to the CA included with OpenDeploy. The procedure for using third-party
CA differs depending on the type. pem format

set up cert authority (CA):
cd od-home/bin
netstat -a > .rnd Creates a seed file (*.rnd) for the random number generator
CA.bat -newca -days 365 creates od-home/bin/demoCA with cert/key pair in it

generate a cert:
CA.bat -certall gens an RSA cert. for DSA don’t use CA scripts. consult openssl
private key is newreq.pem
signed cert is newcert.pem

create od-home/cert folder your choice
put priv key and cert into it

CA.bat -verify verify key and cert

add to odbase.xml or odrcvr.xml:

<localNode host=”FAZADL2K”
sslCaCertificate=”C:\iw-home\openDeployNG\bin\demoCA\certs\cacert.pem” />

parameters used for cert 1:
Dong Jianhua
[email protected]

params for cert 2:
Matt Williams
[email protected]


zone call:

end aug, early sept migrate franklin pages
country selector
freeze on changes
new homepage design (compiled) – 1a
1b – not safe move
new designs for 1b: will be part of Global Template



add le homepage
add landing page a, b, c, d
add link label to lead promo
add pt for xml output for lead promo flash script


11:30 AM internal dct pt review

3 pm client conf call- i2 integration

eric to deliver opendeploy doc for mon review call
metadata model will again be requested from i2 team so that it can be discussed in relation to teamsite metadata requirements

end of day: 8:34pm extra hours, friday


3:00 i2 integ call follow-up

1. eric will provide opendeploy scenarios document
2. adam will update wf doc with integ, non integ scenarios
3. adam, lynn follow-up discussion to occur to figure out programmatic criteria for identifying integ and non integ content types






10:00 i2 integ conf call
[email protected]; Turock, Eric; O’Halloran, Harry;
[email protected]; Lynn Chase; Matthew D Williams2; Mallysetty, Ramana;
Tim Hellinger

kevin: issues
pushing back on top level deliverables dates
“extremely large push… etc.”


1. TeamSite and ISS integration scope

The I2 team has stated that an transparent TeamSite/ISS integration process is not in scope for the July and September releases.

ISS depends internally on sequences of scripts and the activation of manual processes to effect publishing ISS-managed pages to production web servers. Therefore, ISS will queue up content received from TeamSite and will publish it through manual ISS processes, on a bi-daily scheduled basis.

The TeamSite CMS Team will not be requested to provide file system or database triggering in order to effect ISS publishing.

2. Additional workflow

An additional TeamSite workflow has been requested to facilitate rapid deployment of specific content types.

This workflow reflects the existing “Expedited Workflow,” as it is labeled in the Workflow Design Specification document with one modification: content will skip Test server publishing and rather will push content directly to ISS production servers.

Specific datatypes designated for this workflow will be provided by the Lenovo team.

TeamSite team will update the Workflow Design doc. by 3:00 PM today for the purpose of discussion during the 3 PM follow-up meeting.

3. Data-dependent and non-dependent content

TS team will update their Workflow Specification document to describe a distinction between TeamSite-managed content that is data dependent and that which is not in relation to the workflow mentioned above.

4. Franklin pages

Requirements for the migration of Franklin pages to the TeamSite system will be spec’d by Matt and Kevin and accordingly reviewed and discussed by all teams.

5. Server infrastructure diagram

I2 team will supply a specific server infastructure to the TeamSite team. TeamSite team will update documentation in this regad.


6. ISS file system diagram

I2 team will supply a detailed ISS filesystem hierarchy to the TeamSite Team. TeamSite will incorporate this into their integration document.

7. Eric/Anandh OpenDeploy discussion

Eric will schedule a brief meeting with Anadh to provide an overview pf the OpenDeploy System. Eric will also provide Anandh with an Interwoven OpenDeploy manual.



I2 Integration meeting 11:00 AM
Matt E, Ramana, Eric, Lynn, Tim, Kevin (i2)

portal project will be done separate of dms implementation?

wireframes- green and red sections
revisiting which sections will be managed in i2 and which in teamsite
masthead may not want in i2
need more discussion here

pages may all be rendered in teamsite rather than jms pages in i2

bus req. 243 –
bus req. 203 (sub of req. 243) –
bus. req. 225 –
bus. req. 242 (sub of 225) – set up store in 15 min. and push to “glass” within 15 mins
bus. req. 363 (sub of req. 243) – A subset of LE customers require “portal”s without any “web stores” (products/services flow). These customers manage their purchases through other channels, and use the portal only for custom content and order status/reports.



agenda this week:
– Development Setup completed for starting development properly (Adam, Eric)
– CMS Design Specifications Document – Skeleton Structure completed with proper sections etc. (Harry, -Ramana – Adam, Eric to support) – One-stop shop for design and pointing to other docs as needed
– Development structure document completed (Adam)
– Start prototype – basic steps – with i2 (Eric/Goverdhan to work with Anandh from i2)
– Complete Review Feedback Incorporation – Specs and other documents (Harry, Adam, Ramana, Eric)
– i2 Integration Document – Updated as per meetings with Lenovo & I2 (Matt E, Ramana, Eric)
– Start off process to create/document Test Cases/Testing Specifications (Get participating Lenovo team introduced to this) (Ramana, Matt E)
– Start off the DCT development (Goverdhan, Eric, Adam to continue work already in progress)
– PTs – Get information necessary to start the PTs off (Eric, Lynn)
– Create Database schema for Metadata transfer – Based on the outcome of i2 (Eric, Adam, Ramana)

1 pm review conf call
matt e, matt w, lynn, adam, ramana, goverdhan
new: michael- design

new workflows proposed:

1) server redirects
2) user change requests
3) defect tracking

– will not be added to existing requirements for canada launch (july and sept)
matt e and matt w: harry please add notes to functional doc regarding this decision

real time content?
reflect on document that will be a need for real time and delayed content

LE content layouts- ready to go through. harry will go through with thm. gather questions and will review with us tomorrow

harry and matt will go to i2 team with an assertion as to what content items will be managed in teamsite and what will be in i2



Goverdhan Gurajjala- Teamsite developer
ramp up time with him
admin work for expense and time reporting with Acquity
update calls with Ramana
review of templates adam uploaded to Dev server
update vsio of localized branch architecture
update I2 integration doc with image of branch architecture, some updated content


1:00 PM i2 integration call
i2 team: nitia
lenovo: matt w
teamsite: ramana, adam s, eric

Which components of the i2 system will be employed in the integration?


File System hierarchy

Does our proposed architecture validate against that of the i2 system?

Database integration for Metadata

Will TS directly deploy to i2’s database and data schema or will an intermediary database be used to which Team Site will deploy Metadata and from which i2 will retrieve the Metadata?


How will i2 link to Team Site-managed content?
Will i2 provide a jsp wrapper for the html content that will be managed within TeamSite?


6/6/2007 Wed.

send metadata and file structure to anandh
initial con call w him tomrw @ 2

2:00 PM i2 integration conf call
matt e, ramana, eric
anandh and greg from network team?

milestones doc mentioned. ramana will send

sizing reqs? do we have any?

matt- sizing for canada same as s roughly. small
esupport content significant

greg: i2 server sizing?
matt: unsure. 60 countries. content similar for most sites.
treat esupport and intranet sites separately

anandh driving project. reports to kevin.

greg and anadh 12 hr time diff. they will sync up tonight

2 pm call with anandh tomorrow

friday is integration detail deadline


6/5/2007 Tues.
client call-workflow review
Matt E, Matt W, Adam, Ramana, Harry

5 day timeout for someone to pickup and review content

Additional workflow request: translation request
kevin mcdonald workflow- existant now. not iwov. no bridge between the two. just mentioned

need for additional ts group for this- Translation Managers

Production Devs cannot initiate jobs
Senior Production Dev can

quantity of translation
kevin- doing work for india marketing hub. ask them how going about this same process?

* matt e: what we cover this week has to be able to cover canadian release

metadata must be made available in some format

(pub xml files to filesystem or pub to db)

matt: integration specs by end of week
(will go into func spec and tech design spec)

I2 needs to address metadata by end of august. matt e and matt w will push this.

matt: money runs out end of september…


6/4/2007 mon

9:30 AM conf call ramana
2 priorities for oday: dev. environment setup and i2 integration doc

1:00 PM
adam, eric, harry, lynn, matt w, matt e
client workflow review


6/1/2007 fri

2:00 PM
new wflow proposed by matt


9 AM – 1:30 PM
several internal calls

database datamodel – we will propose one to them and possibly buil
OD will be used. license already purchased.
we will publish to a destination or destinations for i2
we will publish to a publishing structure of our choice

eric- i2 integration doc and issues/questions doc: merge them and come up with a strategy
adam – workflow


5/31/2007 thurs

conf call – client
lenovoglobal.webex.com 564468858

matt evans
matt williams
adam stoller
harry o’halloran

answers to pending questions:
– is there a defnite difference between content contributor and QA person role?
yes. will need custom roles or groups
– need to segment by geo location? yes
– what location segmenting? unsure
can do OS groups, TS groups
need a contact for this – ?
– expedited process should be able to skip both QA and content review and have an option to send an email to an arbitrary person (type in an address)
– content author will be responsible for metadata
– content reviewer will be responsible for reviewing metadata
– metadata should be captured now even if no where to publish to
– QA Reviewer should have ability to modify content
– reporting will need to occur

open questions:
– meta data collection – what will be collected (some of these are documented in the functional spec). where will it be published to?
should document all of these in the functional specs doc.

– reporting. how shall we accommodate reporting appropriately? client would like to crystal reporting in depth




-mon conf call 9 am -schedule for every week

due fri:
func spec- harry
wireframe analysis- harry
integ doc-
wireframes- adam
workflow doc- adam
content types sheet- adam
dev environ config



con call 1:00 PM client
matt williams

integration doc from ramana revew
disc slippage in dates

adam: dct template review
x series template
matt: callout for Awards->View More->Link

issue: translation
I2 app should handle this internally not iwov
matt: can i2 parse jsp containers or other types?
lynn: i2 builds tags for common areas

lynn: friendly urls in i2 can be done so can be used possibly for urls entered in to iwov dcts

req. for tinymce standard dictionary

*** matt: validator for trademark, branding items. parser to check certain key words, phrases
(tinymce custom plugin ??)

stylesheet: is there one?
lynn: yes. i2 maintains it. it’s part of their build
we can add custom styles to it.

can link to live dev site url to utilize css in teamsite pt previews

adam – will start rough dev on PTs

matt- on vaca next week. back on mon but will join 3 con calls next week anyway


9:15 AM

document to define deliverables for july 15 deliverable

10 am mtg.

DCT continued from yesterday
issues: size of dct

matt expressing need for content reuse, therefore would like series dct able to create separate dcrs for ad items.
decision to create iwov browse forms for these items

thumbnails: 12 items per product should be max user is able to upload

adam suggested image cropping on the fly for thumbnails=> matt does not want this. images are only cropped, resized, etc once so this would be overkill

matt: able to validate links?
adam: possible
matt: not necessary. not enough cohesion between systems right6 now
adam: i2 in future could possibly export custom links to iwov
adam: we’ll get id of browse buttons for links. no need to have them
matt: ok
adam: need to understand style guide, stylesheets that will be used
matt: will allocate a design team member
ram: doc by end of day for publishing, workflow. also revised milestones will send to matt for sanity check



con call 11:15 AM:
re: overview by ramana
overview of template types and pages adam stoller

matt- uk
sam- leaving i2. phasing out
kevin – main i2 contact

i2 is pres layer. running web sites

kevin- for validation on everything. how publishing will happen, how handshalke will happen
elikem- using his vpn
bruce derheim- ibm
harry – young guy. not interwoven dev. back from india trip recently
kevin – not on project
adam astoller
william klish- working with beijing for server instals, et al
also on doc mgmnt (priority project before iwov proj)

wireframe analysis
what’s been done so far

get into habit of checkin/out docs

zones expected to be delivered for july release:

time permitting:

functional specs/cms page inventory.xls – draft 4- created by harry from max’s info
1a 2a – first
then 2b 3

dct images- done from page inventory
all images on one web page

content def inventory- extraction from wireframes
i2 integ spec- not started. ramana- hold them accountable
lenovo cms enhance- by ibm
wireframes docs- 1 visio 1 pdf
workflow diagram- in progress met w client yesterday. good progress

* approx 104 elements in all dcts
yellow- main container
blue – container\black – no container
+ – replicant
sizes of fields may change but should be pretty close

min max for replicants
max lengths
tiny mce
gray- values can be derived so may not need to have these as actual dct fields

comparison charts- 3 symbols, req. to reuse keys
either will be dr pre3view or html (easier)

gallery images- 360
thumbnails not always matching up with large thumbnail

jsps some areas
some areas html

translation for many areas
translation process- not understood yet much
maybe 3 services all with differet processes?
to be determined

related links section- html
content burner menu-

jsp framework driven by i2

product lines:
desktop notebook workstation

prototype- dct code
include statements

pts- not really developed much at all. matt williams work with.
how rendered?


not all accurate

4 situations
create dcr dor user with right type, right name
modify content- who has perms to expedite, who reviews?
expedite content mods. who has perms to expedite, who reviews?

for translations- kick off sub workflow. process may be blocking (waiting for content to come back) or nonblocking (allow to proceed and publish and worry about translation later (frech german spanish nordic, maybe others.). all tasks represented as manual tasks for now. may be able to automate when we find out more so will not be so much manual intervention

matt williams and lynn chase?


launch date
expiration date

how to interact with i2 to push to their system?
separate complete manual step

i2 portal like
jsp driven
database to track content for each container area

access to teamsite server- pending. not moving forward yet. ramana will follow up max williams

con call: 4:30 PM
re: “Series” page concerns by Adam stoller
adam stoller

con call 5:00 PM
re: I2 responsibilities

matt williams – lenovo analyst (Content Owner)
kevin harper
adam stoller
lynn- business process

environment config
resource for this in beijing- who is this? who managing/prioritizing this?

publishing reqs raised by ramana

initial assumption- pub process will be same across publishing environments/servers

publishing will be in beijing (prod server beijing data center) for short term

no vpn will be used so ports need to be opened

how to move content from iwov to i2?
how to distribute to multiple web servers?

will opendeploy be used or not? no definite on this

(need more I2 product technical info)

“clearcase” mentioned but this is not expected to be used.

expedited process for blogs, other ?

kevin: there is a mid july due date for a partial interwoven release. what will this include? lenovo resource allocation?

“significant changes made every 2 months” lynn, matt w, matt e

Adam Stoller


Matt W


$1.8 MM project

call in #:
(866) 374-4615 conf.#3654102369